All e-books on support iOS, Android App, and browser web versions.
iOS system: support version 12 and above Android system: support version 7.0 and above Web-version: Support Safari (version 11 and above), Chrome (version 87 and above), Edge browser (version 88 and above)
Please make sure that your mobile device has more than 2G in RAM and the system must be updated to the latest version so that you can enjoy a better reading experience without internet outage.
我可以在不同裝置上使用博客來電子書嗎?可以同時使用幾台裝置 Can I read the e-books of on different mobile devices? How many mobile devices can I use at the same time?TOP
Anyone with a member account can use the same web browser to read e-book on 5 binding mobile devices at the same time. This way, you're able to alternate the use of your mobile devices without having to log in and log out repeatedly.
購買的電子書與雜誌,可以下載用其他的App或閱讀器看嗎 For the e-books and magazines that I have already purchased, can I download other apps or browsers to read them?TOP
Currently, we don't provide download and export services for the book's digital files. Any e-book/e-magazine purchased from website can only be read by using e-book App or e-bookshelf.