
畢業學分審查說明 Required Credits Validation Details:


一、英語能力評鑑:選修時如語言檢定已達New Internet-based TOEFL 83、IELTS考試6.0、TOEIC 860 加上口說160、寫作150或全民英檢中高級複試標準,應至系辦繳驗成績單並留存影本備查;然選修 時若未達標準,應在該學期結束前取得語言檢定標準,同時至系辦繳驗成績單並留存影本備查,畢 業前應完成此規定語言檢定考試。

English Competence Workshop: If students have already scored 83 in TOEFL IBT, 6.0 in IELTS, 860 or high in TOEIC with Speaking score of over 160 and Writing Score of over 150 or have passed the second test in GEPT High-Intermediate level before selecting the course, then they must submit their report cards to the department office for verification and leave a copy behind for further reference. If the requirement isn’t met before selecting the course, then it should be met before the semester ends. After obtaining to require score, students have to submit the report card checked by the department office and leave a copy. This requirement must be met before graduation.

二、英文作文(一):自94學年度起,如大一學生修讀「英文作文」之上學期成績為後30%,且經該任課 教師推薦,需於該年度下學期增修並通過「創意寫作」課程,始得繼續修讀「高級寫作」課程。

English Composition 1: Starting from 2005, students with grades at the bottom 30% in English Composition class of the first semester and are recommended by the teacher are required to take and pass “Creative Writing” course in the second semester before taking the Advanced Writing course in the second year.

三、第二外語: 1. 第二外語 8 學分需依序選讀系上開授同一外語初級及中級滿二年,若因特殊情況需選讀語言中心 同等級之第二外語科目,應提出該第二外語與系上課程衝堂證明(成績單或加退選後證明),且 經系主任同意方得認可為第二外語學分。 2. 第二外語若依規定修滿 8 學分,則選修第三外語可採計至最低畢業學分內。 Second Foreign Language: A. The 8 credits of second foreign language should be taken in the order of elementary and intermediate of the same language, two years in total. If students are to take the courses of the same language and same level offered in the Language Teaching and Research Center on campus due to special reasons, proofs of schedule conflict between language courses and required courses should be provided (report card or proofs of after the course selection period) and approved by the department chairperson in order to be considered course selection as credits for second foreign language. If the 8 credits requirement from second foreign language courses is met, then credits from the third foreign language courses can be counted as part of the graduation requirement credits. 四、專業必選:限本系開授之文學選修9學分、或語言學選修9學分、或兩者相加9學分。(選課系統標註 「專選」之選修課程)

Specialized Elective Courses: Limited to special elective courses of 9 credits in literature, linguistics or the combination of both within the department. (courses marked as “special elective” in the course selection system)


Advanced English Courses offered in Language Teaching and Research Center: Only credits of 1 course can count toward the required graduation credits.

六、共同必修學分:畢業前至少應修讀22學分至多34學分,其中外語部分6學分應修讀本系開授之「大 一英文」,通識部分至少選修22學分 (請詳閱入學當屆課務組發給之「課程時間表」手冊)。

General Required Credits:Students are required to complete between 22 and 34 credits of general education courses, the 6 credits of English language requirement should be obtained from “Freshman English” courses within the department. Minimum of 22 credits of general education should be completed before graduation. (Please refer to “Class schedule” handout of the entry year given by the Office of Academic Affairs)

七、教育學程:畢業審查時填寫教育學程放棄聲明書者,經學程審核單位與本系共同簽核後,至多可採 計3門於最低畢業學分內。

Education Program: Students who withdraw from the program in graduation validation can have up to 3 course credits from the program counted toward the required graduation credits with the joint approval by both the Center of Teacher Education and the Department of Foreign Language and Literature.


1. 轉系生原修讀之英文基礎課程,不得列入畢業學分內計算。 2. 體育、軍訓不算入畢業學分,護理至多 4 學分可列入畢業學分內。 3. 交換學生出國前必須將學校規定共同必修與系上專業必修皆應修讀完畢。 4. 大四開學前將公告同學之學校共同必修與系上必修之修讀學分概況,請配合公告自我 檢視以供往後選課參考。共同必修之審查標準由校方認定(外語部分之大一英文除 外),系上專業必修(含大一英文)之審查標準則由系認定。 5. 修讀輔系、雙學位者,同一課程不可重複認定至原系所最低畢業學分內。


1. Credits of basic English courses obtained by transfer students cannot be counted as part of the graduation requirement credits  2. Physical education and military training do not count as credits required by graduation requirement credits. A maximal of 4 credits for nursing training can be counted.  3. Exchange students should complete all general education courses and required courses before going abroad. 4. Before senior year starts, announcements will be made right informing students’ general education and required courses status please refer to the announcements for help in course selection. Standards for evaluating general education is determined by campus officials (Freshman English excluded), standards regarding evaluation of special electives in the department (Freshman English included) are subject to the DFL approval. 5. Students who minor or double major cannot count the same class as part of the graduation requirement credits.

九、外籍生可至華語中心選修二門華語課程抵修「實用翻譯」與「高級翻譯」。 International students can take two Mandarin courses at the Chinese Language Center in place of “Practical Translation” and “Advanced Translation.”



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