此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)
三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分)
*每首樂曲最前面的黑體字是作曲家姓名, 之後的正體字是樂曲名稱或編號, 再之後的斜體字是樂譜名稱, 括弧中的斜體字是出版社名稱.
- Anon. Gavotte. P. 8 from
Easy Pieces of the 17th and 18th Centuries, ed. Kaestner and Lechner (Schott ED 4364/MDS)
- Monteclair Musette (observing first repeat). P. 7 from
Easy Pieces of the 17th and 18th Centuries, ed. Kaestner and Lechner (Schott ED 4364/MDS)
- Anon. Czech Polka
arr. Bergmann. First Repertoire for Descant Recorder, ed. Adams (Faber)
- Handel Gavotte
arr. Bergmann. First Repertoire for Descant Recorder, ed. Adams (Faber)
- Naudot Babiole
arr. Bergmann. First Repertoire for Descant Recorder, ed. Adams (Faber)
- Daquin Rigaudon.
No. 11 from Old Pieces from the 18th Century, ed. Kaestner and Spittler (Schott ED 2567/MDS)
- Morley Now is the month of Maying
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1, arr. Bennetts and Bowman (ABRSM Publishing)
- Purcell Fairest Isle (from King Arthur)
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1, arr. Bennetts and Bowman (ABRSM Publishing)
- Phalese Gaillarde mon plaisir.
No. 45 from Spielbuch for Descant Recorder, ed. Hechler (Moeck 2076)
B 組
- Brian Bonsor Scherzino or Legend.
No. 4 or No. 5 from The Really Easy Recorder Book (Faber)
- Colin Hand The Lonely Piper or Gavotte:
from Come and Play, Book 4 (Peacock Press)
- Mendelssohn Jagdlied (Op. 84 No. 3), arr. Bullard
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1, arr. Bennetts and Bowman (ABRSM Publishing)
- Schumann Soldiers’ March (from Album for the Young, Op. 68)
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1, arr. Bennetts and Bowman (ABRSM Publishing)
- Isabel Morrison Lonely River: from
A Pastoral Trilogy (Warwick Music)
- Alan Ridout Lingering by the Wayside or Stepping Out Along a Road: No. 2 or No. 6 from
A Day in the Country – Descant Recorder (ABRSM Publishing)
- Ken Stobbs The Swan.
No. 5 from Mega Fun Recorder (Peacock Press)
- Sarah Watts Humdinger Hoedown: from
Fresh Air – Descant Recorder (Kevin Mayhew)
- Pam Wedgwood Dreaming or Periwinkle Waltz: from
Really Easy Jazzin’ About for Descant Recorder (Faber) C 組
- Kathryn Bennetts Spring Song
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1, arr. Bennetts and Bowman (ABRSM Publishing)
- Trad. English Spanish Ladies (unaccompanied)
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1, arr. Bennetts and Bowman (ABRSM Publishing)
- van Eyck Silvester inde Morgenstont (Theme only).
No. 3 from van Eyck Der Fluyten Lust-hof: The Beginners’ Collection (XYZ 1042/Spartan Press)
- Fetzen Moderato in G. No. 4 from
50 Graded Studies for Recorder, ed. Adams and Harris (Faber)
- Paul Harris King Richard, his Delight. No. 1 from
50 Graded Studies for Recorder, ed. Adams and Harris (Faber)
- Monteclair Bouree or Branle de vilage.
P. 3 or P. 31 from Monteclair Airs de Danse (Peacock Press)
- Ross Winters A Sad End: No. 17 from
20 Studies for a Great Start (Peacock Press)
音階與琶音: 背奏, 以圓滑奏及吐音, 吹奏下列各調:
C, D, F 大調(一個八度)
音階: 同以上調性 。
琶音: 同以上調性的和絃, 音域相同。
視奏: 一首單拍子的小曲, 調性和音的範圍同此級數的音階。 可能會加一些臨時記號, 附點音符和結合線。請參閱委員會出版的直笛視奏1-5級範例。
高音直笛 最初級 第一級 第二級 第三級 第四級 第五級
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